So much of South African politics, and indeed public life generally, plays out in the courts that it becomes trite to describe a year as an important one for the judiciary.
But it is still worth highlighting some of the major issues that we should keep an eye on in 2025, because of how important the courts and judges are in our constitutional democracy. Who judges are, and how they do their jobs, has far-reaching consequences for us all.
Freedom Under Law notes the decision of the Western Cape High Court to interdict Dr John Hlophe from participating in the activities of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), pending a final decision on challenges to the designation of Dr Hlophe as one of the representatives of the National Assembly (NA) on the JSC.
South Africa’s democracy is anchored by its Constitution and the rule of law. Judges are the guardians of both. They derive their authority from their competence and their integrity. Without either, they have none. Who and how judges are appointed is the focus of the lecture. The Judicial Service Commission (“JSC”) has two functions: ...
Justice Laurie Ackermann was born in Pretoria on 13 January 1934. Both his parents were Afrikaans – he was named after the Boer hero, Louw Wepener – one of his grandparents having as a child survived a concentration camp. Raised in a Pretoria professional family, he graduated from Stellenbosch and Oxford...
Those appointed to South Africa’s first Constitutional Court in October 1994 faced huge challenges. Among them was the need to persuade the new Cabinet and Parliament to take them and their orders seriously, as the ultimate interpreter and guardian of the Constitution...
(kindly supported by the Bradlow Foundation and published by SAIIA)
South Africa’s fledgling democracy has seen its fair share of commissions over a period of nearly three decades. At the outset, they were used as an instrument in society’s attempts to come to grips with the realities and horrors of its apartheid past through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)....
Is the performance of the JSC up to scratch? FUL has examined the JSC’s roles in appointing and disciplining judges and produced this report. It has also submitted to the JSC a number of recommendations for the future. The report was launched virtually on 29 November 2022 — here is a video of the launch.
South Africa’s Constitutional Court stands out as one of the few government institutions that have protected and advanced the constitutional vision of a participatory democracy and social justice. Many other government institutions which ought to have allied themselves with the court have been weakened or have failed to deliver.
As part of the Parliamentary Monitoring Group review of the 6th Parliament, which can be found here: Click here
Commencing on 22 May 2019, South Africa’s sixth democratically elected Parliament (the Sixth Parliament) looked to represent a new dawn for the country, ushering in a period of parliamentary reform, accountability and efficacy in the wake of the institutional devastation wrought by years of rampant state capture.
Freedom Under Law on decision to interdict Dr Hlophe from participating in the JSC
Freedom Under Law notes decision to interdict Dr Hlophe from participating in the Judicial Service Commission Freedom Under Law notes the decision of the Western Cape High Court to interdict Dr John Hlophe from participating in the activities of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), pending a final decision on challenges to the designation of Dr Hlophe as one of the representatives of the National Assembly (NA) on the JSC. The interdict was granted following applications by the Democratic Alliance (DA) and Corruption Watch (CW), in which interim and then final relief was sought. FUL brought a separate application seeking a final order to set aside
Freedom Under Law (FUL), The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, Judges Matter and Defend Our Democracy note with concern media reports alleging that the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Thembi Simelane, was connected to unlawful investments in VBS Mutual Bank during her tenure as mayor of Polokwane in 2016. According to the reports, during 2016 and while the Minister was serving as mayor of Polokwane, the Polokwane Municipality made two unlawful investments into the since-collapsed VBS mutual bank. It is said that these payments appear to be linked to kickbacks paid in exchange for the deposits into VBS by the municipality. It is further alleged that
Freedom Under Law (FUL) has instituted litigation in the Western Cape High court to challenge the designation by the National Assembly of Dr MJ Hlophe as a member of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). On 9 July 2024, the National Assembly voted to designate Dr Hlophe as a member of the JSC, in terms of section 178(1)(h) of the Constitution. FUL, along with several other organisations, raised concerns about the prospect of someone who had been removed from judicial office serving as a member of the body constitutionally mandated to play a central role in the selection of judges, and as a member of the
Strengthening the Rule of Law: Challenges and Opportunities for the NPA
Freedom Under Law & Stellenbosch University’s Department of Journalism invite you to a lecture by Shamila Batohi, the National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP)
1 November 2024
6 Spin street, Cape Town
17:30 for 18:00
RSVP by 5 November 2024:
– Light refreshments will be served

Timeline of Judge Hlophe’s Removal
DOWNLOAD THE PDF VERSION NOVEMBER 2004 Oasis Crescent Property Fund sues Judge Desai for alleged defamation. It comes to light that Judge Hlophe had been receiving regular monthly payments from Oasis at the time that he authorised the defamation action. Judge Hlophe initially denies receiving the payments before changing tack and insisting that they were reimbursements for ‘travelling expenses’. Either way, the payments fell foul of Judge Hlophe’s statutory and ethical duties not to receive such payments without the prior approval of the Minister of Justice. FEBRUARY 2005 Judge Hlophe submits a report on alleged racist practices within the Western Cape legal community, directly to
Timeline of Judge Motata’s Removal
DOWNLOAD THE PDF VERSION JANUARY 2007 Judge Motata drives into a residential wall whilst intoxicated and is subsequently involved in a verbal confrontation with the property owner. Judge Motata uses racial slurs, profanities and language of a derogatory nature, all of which is recorded by the owner. The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace files a complaint against Judge Motata alleging that his conduct brought disgrace upon him and the judiciary and undermined public respect. JULY 2008 Afriforum lodges complaint against Judge Motata alleging that he has committed gross racist misconduct and should therefore be impeached in terms of section 177 of the Constitution. SEPTEMBER
Promoting Democracy Under Law
• Advancing understanding of and respect for the Rule of Law • Litigating in relation to institutional conduct in conflict with the Rule of Law • Strengthening the independence of the judiciary • Supporting the legal profession in serving the courts • Enhancing understanding between legal role-players, the media and society at large • Furthering legal education appropriate to the needs of constitutional democracy • Protecting freedom of speech and freedom of the media concerning the administration of justice.

Our mission
FUL’s objectives are the promotion of democracy and the advancement of the Rule of Law and the principle of legality, understanding these to be the foundation for constitutional democracy in South Africa.
How we work
Litigation before the courts
Primarily, FUL uses litigation before the courts as its defining method of promoting and defending the Rule of Law and democracy in South Africa. The composition of its board affords it particular expertise and experience in this area.
Non-profit company
FUL is registered as a non-profit company and a public benefit organisation.
NO. 2008 000 384 08
NO. 930031764
Address threats to the Rule of Law
Recognising the importance of the criminal justice system to the Rule of Law and the realisation of any number of rights, FUL has since its inception sought to make this a particular focus area, although it directs its efforts wherever it believes it may effectively address threats to the Rule of Law.
Trial observation
However, litigation is not the only distinguishing feature of Freedom Under Law's approach. FUL also undertakes trial observation across the region and seeks to coordinate informed debate of topical regional legal issues.
Board of Directors

Judge Azhar Cachalia: Chair
Recently retired as a judge of South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal, Azhar Cachalia remains committed to safeguarding constitutionalism, non-racialism

Professor Hugh Corder
Hugh Corder is a law graduate of Cape Town, Cambridge and Oxford. After starting his academic career lecturing at Stellenbosch

Ezra Davids
Ezra Davids, an alumnus of the University of Cape Town (UCT) and Harvard Law School Executive Programme, is Chairman and

Kate Hofmeyr
Kate Hofmeyr is a senior counsel practising at the Johannesburg and Cape Bars. She has a varied practice with a

Mpumelelo Mkhabela
Dr Mpumelelo Mkhabela is a political analyst who had a successful career as a journalist and editor. He edited some

Beatrice Mtetwa
Beatrice Mtetwa is a Zimbabwe-based lawyer who graduated from the then University of Botswana and Swaziland with an LLB degree
Upcoming Events
RHODES UNIVERSITY PUBLIC LECTURE: Is the Judicial Service Commission “fit for purpose?” A Reflection over 15 years.
View Online The Judicial Service Commission (“JSC”) has two functions: It appoints judges and investigates complaints against them for misconduct. The JSC must protect the

The Role of the Judiciary, the Media and Parliament in Slapping Back.
Inaugural lecture hosted by Freedom Under Law and the University of Stellenbosch Department of Journalism. Join us for this inaugural lecture emphasising the importance of
Ongoing Cases
Freedom Under Law V Motata
SCA judgment -22 June
On 22 June, the Supreme Court of Appeal handed down judgment in Freedom Under Law v JSC.
Judge President Hlophe Matter
Gross misconduct, Judge President John Hlophe, Wester Cape High Court After a period of thirteen years since the then judges of the Constitutional Court directed a complaint
FUL’s Intervention in the Social Grants Crisis
The matter concerns the operation of a contract for the payment of social grants. A third of the country’s citizens are recipients of these grants.
Freedom Under Law v Motata
Concluded Cases
Chief Justice Sandile Ncgobo
Confused by the judicial crisis gripping South Africa? Not quite sure why Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo is stepping down? Here are the answers you’ve been
FUL Supports Opening of Candidate Registration for Local Elections
Constitutional Court, Electoral Commission, Local Government Elections The Constitutional Court has recently been petitioned to make orders relating to the upcoming municipal elections. The latest application by
FUL’s Intervention in Application to Postpone Local Elections
Constitutional Court, Electoral Commission, Local Government Elections The Constitutional Court recently heard argument from a number of parties in a vigorously contested constitutional case. The Electoral Commission
Richard Mdluli
In September 2020, Richard Mdluli, former head of Crime Intelligence in the SAPS, was sentenced in the High Court, Johannesburg to an effective five years
Review of the Appointment of General Mthandazo Ntlemeza as Head of the Hawks
FUL together with the Helen Suzman Foundation brought an application to set aside the appointment of General Ntlemeza as the new head of the Hawks.
Review of Withdrawal of Charges against Former NDPP Nomgcobo Jiba
Following the appointment of Shaun Abrahams to the post of NDPP, Abrahams announced his withdrawal of perjury and fraud charges against Nomgcobo Jiba, a fomer